Associate Members
Cruelty Free Europe’s Associate Members are leaders in animal protection in their respective countries, that partner with Cruelty Free Europe to provide a voice for animals in laboratories across Europe.
Membership as an Associate is open to organisations committed to working to end animal experiments. Membership as an Associate Member is open to candidate organisations that meet the following cumulative criteria for membership:
- Be an organisation committed to working towards ending animal experiments
- Be an organisation based in the continent of Europe
Be a non-violent, non-intimidatory, non-discriminatory organisation
Interested groups are invited to contact us at for more information and an application form.
Our members are:
Gaia, Belgium
GAIA (Global Action in the Interest of Animals) is the most influential animal rights organisation in Belgium. Today we have 75,000 donors and members, and we are growing bigger every day. Since 1992, GAIA has been acting in the interest of animals and tirelessly advocates for an ever-greater protection of all living beings, sensitive to pain and anxiety. Our actions and campaigns against organised animal abuse rarely go unnoticed and reap significant results.
GAIA (Global Action in the Interest of Animals) is de invloedrijkste en een van de meeste bekende dierenrechtenorganisaties in België. Vandaag hebben we 75.000 donateurs en leden en onze rangen wordt met de dag groter. Sinds 1992 heeft GAIA al belangrijke resultaten kunnen boeken voor het dierenwelzijn en hebben we een stem gegeven aan zij die er geen hebben. Wij vinden dat ook dieren respectvol moeten behandeld worden en recht hebben op een waardig bestaan. Wij pleiten voor een relatie tussen mens en dier die gekenmerkt wordt door menselijkheid en rechtvaardigheid. Onze acties en campagnes tegen georganiseerd dierenmishandeling gaan zelden onopgemerkt voorbij en boeken significante resultaten.
GAIA (Groupe d'Action dans l'Intérêt des Animaux) est l'association de défense des animaux la plus influente et une des plus connues en Belgique. A ce jour nous avons 75.000 donateurs et membres. Depuis 1992, GAIA a pu engranger d’importants résultats pour le bien-être animal et a donné sa voix à ceux qui n’en ont pas. Nous pensons que les animaux doivent être traités avec respect et qu'ils ont le droit à une existence digne. Nous œuvrons en faveur d'une relation homme - animal qui soit empreinte d'humanité et de justice. Nos actions et campagnes envers les crimes organisés de maltraitance animale ne passent pas inaperçues et récoltent des résultats significatifs.
EcoVegAnimals, Bosnia
EVA was founded in July 2019, after three years of informal existence. We mainly work on animal testing and vegan campaigns. Recently we have worked hard on trying to replace animal experiments in education and have signed an agreement with the Veterinarian Faculty in Sarajevo, which has ended the use of animal experiments in its educational programmes.
CAAI, Bulgaria
Campaigns and Activism for Animals in the Industry (CAAI) is a Bulgarian non-profit organization established in 2017. Our mission is to prevent as much of the suffering and exploitation of as many animals as possible in all fields of human activities.
CAAI aims at promoting ethical values in our society and raising awareness of the fact that animals are conscious and sensitive beings with their own personality, that they have the right to express their natural behavior in their natural environment. We also work to promote environmental protection and sustainable development.
Our campaigns focus mainly on farm animals and changing animal legislation at national and European level. We are currently working on several campaigns - to ban fur farming in Bulgaria and EU, to ban foie gras production in Bulgaria, to end cage farming of laying hens, to promote plant-based diet and recently to end animal testing.
Кампании и активизъм за животните в индустрията" (КАЖИ) е българска организация с нестопанска цел, създадена през 2017 г. Нашата мисия е да предотвратим страданията и експлоатацията на възможно най-много животни във всички сфери на човешката дейност.
КАЖИ има за цел да насърчава етичните ценности в нашето общество и да повишава осведомеността за това, че животните са съзнателни и чувствителни същества със своя индивидуалност, че те имат право да изразяват естественото си поведение в своята естествена среда.
Кампаниите ни се фокусират основно върху селскостопанските животни и промяната на законодателството за животните на национално и европейско ниво. В момента работим по няколко кампании - за забрана на фермите за кожи в България и ЕС, за забрана на производството на фоа гра в България, за прекратяване на клетъчното отглеждане на кокошки носачки, за насърчаване на растителното хранене, а отскоро и за прекратяване на тестовете върху животни.
Nevidimi Zhivotni (Invisible Animals Bulgaria), Bulgaria
Nevidimi Zhivotni (Invisible Animals Bulgaria) is relatively new and small - it was founded on 26.10.21. However, the people in it have many years of experience with animal rights activism and advocacy, as long-time employees and board members in CAAI, an animal protection group founded in 2017. Because we are a small team,we have decided to prioritize our efforts and time and focus on the European Citizens’ Initiative - Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics, to which we believe we could contribute the most at this point. Other than that, we are doing soma campaigning against the mink farm here in Bulgaria.
Our mission is to create a society in which animals are treated not as objects for human use, but as living beings with their own free will and interests, to be respected for ethical reasons. We aim to affect institutional, corporate, and systemic change step by step for animals.As we fight to change the fate of animals exploited by humans, we strive for holistic and sustainable solutions that take into account affected communities and offer them reasonable alternatives. We also aim to build awareness of the connection between our current treatment of animals and climate change, human health, and other social issues.
Невидими Животни (Invisible Animals Bulgaria) е сравнително нова и малка организация - основана е на 26.10.21 г. Хората в нея обаче имат дългогодишен опит в активизма и застъпничеството за правата на животните, тъй като са били част от управителния съвет на КАЖИ - група за защита на животните, основана през 2017 г. Тъй като сме малък екип, решихме да приоритизираме усилията и времето си и да се съсредоточим върху Европейската гражданска инициатива - Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics, за която смятаме, че бихме могли да допринесем най-много в този момент. Освен това правим действаме за затварянето на фермите за норки тук, в България.
Нашата мисия е да създадем общество, в което животните не се третират като предмети за човешка употреба, а като живи същества със собствена воля и желания, които трябва да бъдат уважавани поради етични причини. Стремим се стъпка по стъпка да повлияем за институционална, корпоративна и системна промяна в полза на животните. Докато се борим да променим съдбата на животните, експлоатирани от хората, се стремим към цялостни и устойчиви решения, които вземат предвид засегнатите общности и им предлагат разумни алтернативи. Също така се стремим да повишим осведомеността за връзката между настоящото ни отношение към животните и изменението на климата, човешкото здраве и други социални проблеми.
Links (of our online platform supporting the ECI ) and our Instagram profile
Animals without Borders, Croatia
Animals without Borders registered in 2019 in Zagreb, Croatia and is active all over Europe with various campaigns, groups and participating in joint efforts and coalitions.
The main goal of Animals without Borders is to abolish any form of abuse, torture, and exploitation of animals by humans.This is done through awareness raising on animal rights and welfare through (social) media, improving animal protection legislation, environmental protection and promoting sustainable development. The main fields are
- Animals in intensive farming, with special focus on transport and export
- Animals used in science, aka animal testing
- Training NGO and activists to support their work and growth through Mindful Activism
- Support for activists through a specialized self-care program also through Mindful Activism, a project of AWB
Udruga Životinje bez granica registrirana je 2019. godine u Zagrebu, Hrvatska, i aktivna je diljem Europe s raznim kampanjama, grupama i sudjelovanjem u zajedničkim naporima i koalicijama.
Glavni cilj Životinja bez granica jest ukinuti svaki oblik zlostavljanja, mučenja i iskorištavanja životinja od strane ljudi. To se postiže podizanjem svijesti o pravima i dobrobiti životinja putem (društvenih) medija, poboljšanjem zakonodavstva o zaštiti životinja, zaštitom okoliša i promicanjem održivog razvoja. Glavna područja djelovanja su
- Životinje u intenzivnom farmskom uzgoju, s posebnim osvrtom na transport i izvoz
- Životinje koje se koriste u znanosti, tzv. testiranje na životinjama
- Osposobljavanje nevladinih organizacija i aktivista da podrže njihov rad i rast kroz projekt Mindful Activism
- Podrška aktivistima kroz specijalizirani program brige o sebi i kroz projekt Mindful Activism, projekt ŽBG-a
Svoboda Zvirat, Czech Republic
Freedom for Animals is a nationwide non-profit organisation engaged in protecting animals. It was founded in 1994. Our key aim is to change people’s attitudes towards animals – we want animals to be perceived as living beings with their own intrinsic value. We believe the way people treat animals should not be based on the possible benefits of the animals’ use.
Our campaigns focus on animals in circuses, fur and the replacement of animal experiments. We also place emphasis on environmental and ethical awareness through lecturing in schools. We also take care of abandoned cats.
Within our campaigns we organise petitions, demonstrations, lectures, submit amendments and comments to drafts of legislation concerning the protection of animals, prepare proposals on improving animal protection, cooperate with authorities, lobby etc.
We offer the Cruelty Free International Leaping Bunny approval and also the Fur Free Retailer status to Czech companies.
See also and
Jsme celostátní nezisková organizace pro ochranu práv zvířat (založena v r. 1994). Náš cíl je změnit vztah lidí ke zvířatům - chceme, aby byla zvířata vnímána jako tvorové, kteří mají hodnotu sami o sobě. Věříme, že zacházení s nimi by nemělo být hodnoceno podle jejich možného užitku pro člověka.
Momentálně vedeme kampaň za zákaz zneužívání divokých druhů zvířat v cirkusech, kampaň týkající se tzv. kožešinových zvířat a kampaň Za nahrazení pokusů na zvířatech. Navíc se věnujeme opuštěným kočkám a součástí naší činnosti je i ekovýchova.
Připomínkujeme návrhy zákonů a vyhlášek týkajících se ochrany zvířat, vypracováváme z hlediska ochrany zvířat příznivé návrhy, jednáme s úřady, lobujeme, organizujeme petiční akce, demonstrace, přednášky atd.
Českým značkám udělujeme mezinárodní certifikáty Humánní kosmetický standard (HCS) a Humánní standard pro prostředky pro domácnost (HHPS) a také certifikát Obchod bez kožešin.
Anima, Denmark and Norway
Anima is a Danish animal welfare association, founded in 2000. We work to ensure that animals are respected, not abused. This is true whether it is companion animals, farm animals, fur animals, animals in laboratories, or animals in entertainment.
Anima er en dansk dyreværnsforening, som blev stiftet i 2000. Vi arbejder for, at dyr skal respekteres, ikke mishandles. Dette gælder uanset om det handler om kæledyr, landbrugsdyr, pelsdyr, forsøgsdyr eller dyr i underholdning.
Loomus, Estonia
Loomus is an Estonian animal advocacy organization promoting animal-friendly thinking, behaviour and consumption. Loomus mostly focuses on protecting the rights of animals used in agriculture, including fish, entertainment, the beauty industry and fur production. Loomus also collaborates with both Estonian and international organisations, to shape animal-friendly politics and raise awareness about animal rights in Estonia and elsewhere.
Loomus was born in April 2014. In December 2017, the animal rights movement Loomade Nimel (In the Name of Animals) joined Loomus. Loomus has more than 60 members and more than 100 volunteers. The values on which we work on a daily basis in Loomus are professionalism, commitment and empathy.
In December 2020, Loomus started the animal-friendly beauty working group LILU, the aim of which is to promote animal-friendly beauty in Estonian society and to make animal-friendly consumption easier and more accessible. Read more: and
Loomus on loomade eestkoste organisatsioon, mis levitab aktiivselt jätkusuutlikku ja hoolivat suhtumist loomadesse. Loomuse fookus on nende loomade kaitsel, keda kasutatakse põllumajanduses, sh kalad, meelelahutuses, ilutööstuses ja karusnaha tootmiseks. Loomus teeb igapäevaselt koostööd nii Eesti kui ka rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega, et kujundada loomasõbralikku poliitikat ning tõsta teadlikkust loomaõiguste teemal nii Eestis kui ka mujal maailmas.
Loomade eestkoste organisatsioon Loomus sündis 2014. aasta aprillis. 2017. aasta detsembris liitus Loomusega loomade eestkoste liikumine Loomade Nimel. Loomusel on üle 60 liikme ja üle 100 vabatahtliku. Väärtushinnangud, millest Loomuses igapäevaselt lähtume, on professionaalsus, pühendumus ja empaatia.
Loomus algatas 2020. detsembris loomasõbraliku ilu töörühma LILU, mille eesmärk on loomasõbraliku ilu teema tähtsuse tõstatamine Eesti ühiskonnas ning eestlaste kosmeetikatoodete ja iluteenuste tarbimiskäitumise loomasõbralikumaks muutmine. Loe lähemalt: ja
Animalia, Finland
Animalia is an expert and non-governmental organisation promoting animal rights, founded in 1961. Animalia opposes the treatment of animals that causes them suffering or substantially prevents their species-specific behavior. Animals themselves cannot speak - they need an organisation of people who care about animal welfare. Animalia demands that animal welfare and rights be better considered in legislation, education and our daily relations with animals. Animalia's work is based on both experience and research results.
Animalia on eläinten oikeuksia edistävä asiantuntija- ja kansalaisjärjestö, joka perustettiin vuonna 1961. Animalia vastustaa sellaista eläinten kohtelua, joka aiheuttaa eläimille kärsimystä tai estää olennaisesti niiden lajityypillistä käyttäytymistä. Eläimet eivät itse voi puhua omasta puolestaan: ne tarvitsevat äänitorvekseen eläinten hyvinvoinnista välittävien ihmisten järjestön. Animalia vaatii, että eläinten hyvinvointi ja oikeudet huomioidaan nykyistä paremmin lainsäädännössä, koulutuksessa ja jokapäiväisissä suhteissamme eläimiin. Animalian työ pohjautuu sekä kokemukseen että tutkimustuloksiin.
One Voice, France
One Voice, an association under the 1908 law, was created by Muriel Arnal in 1995. It acts in France and around the world for the respect of living things in all their forms and denounces animal exploitation and its consequences for the individuals concerned, for the planet and for humans. It develops lobbying and awareness campaigns, relying in particular on the investigative work of its investigators and expert reports. It works with international NGOs, sanctuaries and shelters all over the world.
Because there is but one fight against violence, One Voice acts to end it wherever it develops and whoever the victim may be. It defends animal and planetary ethics. It fights for all sentient beings, for the legal recognition of the status of the animal and to break the ‘link between violence against animals and humans.
One Voice, association de loi 1908, a été créée par Muriel Arnal en 1995. Elle agit en France et dans le monde pour le respect du vivant sous toutes ses formes et dénonce l'exploitation animale et ses conséquences pour les individus concernés, pour la planète et pour les humains. Elle développe des campagnes de lobbying et de sensibilisation en s'appuyant notamment sur le travail d'investigation de ses enquêteurs et des rapports d'experts. Elle travaille avec des ONG internationales, des sanctuaires et des refuges partout dans le monde.
Parce qu'il n'y a pas des combats mais un seul combat contre la violence, One Voice agit pour la faire reculer partout où elle se développe et quelle qu'en soit la victime. Elle défend une éthique animale et planétaire. Elle combat pour tous les êtres sentients, pour la reconnaissance du statut de personne animale et celle du ‘lien’ entre les violences exercées sur les animaux et les humains.
Una Terra Foundation, Hungary
At Una Terra, we are working day by day to raise awareness of what our name implies: we have an Earth that we must look after responsibly. Our organisation was founded in 2023 by the Awakening Planet Foundation, the Hungarian Vegan Association, Sea Shepherd and former and current members of the Hungarian Anti-Fur League.
Our goals are:
- Social awareness raising for the protection of the environment and animals
- To build Hungary's intensive participation in the animal rights movement in the Western world
- Coordination of international animal rescues
- Participation in international animal and environmental campaigns.
More information about us:
Facebook page:
Az Una Terránál azért teszünk napról napra, hogy minél inkább a köztudatba kerüljön az, amiről a nevünk is árulkodik: egy Földünk van, amelyre felelősen vigyázunk kell. Szervezetünk 2023-ban jött létre, az Ébredő Bolygó Alapítvány, a Magyar Vegán Egyesület, a Sea Shepherd valamint a Magyar Szőrmeellenes Liga korábbi és jelenlegi tagjai hívták életre.
- Társadalmi szemléletformálás a környezet és az állatok védelméért,
- Magyarország intenzív részvételének kiépítése a nyugati világ állatjogi mozgalmában,
- Nemzetközi állatmentések koordinációja.
- Nemzetközi állat-és környezetvédelmi kampányokban való részvétel.
További információ rólunk:
Facebook oldal:
SafrIreland, Ireland
SAFRIreland is a newly formed Irish group, created in 2017. We promote animal free research and are actively working towards a swift and significant decrease in animals being used in science year on year. We also attend science events across Ireland, raising awareness about animal free research, while giving out information to the younger generation.
LAV, Italy
LAV was born in 1977. Since then, every day, we have been fighting for the affirmation of animal rights and fighting all forms of animal exploitation.
MISSION: Practicing and promoting cultural change in the relationship with other animals that leads to lifestyles and political choices based on respect and solidarity towards living beings, without distinction of species. Stop all forms of exploitation and suffering with the affirmation of rights, the promotion of new laws and their application.
LAV è nata nel 1977 Da allora, ogni giorno, ci battiamo per l'affermazione dei diritti animali e combattiamo ogni forma di sfruttamento animale.
MISSION: Praticare e promuovere il cambiamento culturale nel rapporto con gli altri animali che porti a stili di vita e a scelte politiche fondati sul rispetto e la solidarietà verso gli esseri viventi, senza distinzione di specie. Fermare ogni forma di sfruttamento e di sofferenza con l’affermazione dei diritti, la promozione di nuove leggi e la loro applicazione.
IAR, Malta
Diervriendlijk Nederland, Netherlands
Diervriendelijk Nederland (‘Cruelty Free Netherlands’) is a Dutch umbrella organisation covering several initiatives like Een DIER Een VRIEND, Kooivrij NL and the Dutch foundation for the abolition of vivisection and works to protect the rights of animals and of animal-friendly consumers. The founders started the organisation in 1998 but have been active against animal cruelty since the 1980s. The methods of Diervriendelijk Nederland are characterised by publishing information about animal abuse and combating it in all possible legal ways. Een DIER Een VRIEND, as the grassroots campaign department of Diervriendelijk Nederland, conducts peaceful and high-profile campaigns and actions. We work for all animals, but our main focuses are animals for food and in experiments. We provide information to the public and are in constant dialogue with politicians and businesses about their corporate responsibility. To work effectively, we are active in various national and international coalitions and partnerships.
Diervriendelijk Nederland is de koepelorganisatie boven onder meer Een DIER Een VRIEND, Kooivrij NL en de Stichting voor de Afschaffing van Dierproeven, en zet zich in voor de bescherming van de rechten van dieren en diervriendelijke burgers en consumenten. De oprichters startten de organisatie in 1998, maar zijn al sinds de jaren “80 actief tegen dierenleed. De werkwijze van Diervriendelijk Nederland kenmerkt zich door het in de publiciteit brengen van dierenmishandeling en dit op alle mogelijke legale manieren te bestrijden. Een DIER Een VRIEND voert hiertoe als campagne-afdeling van Diervriendelijk Nederland vreedzame en spraakmakende campagnes en acties. We werken voor alle dierenonderwerpen, maar onze focus ligt bij dieren voor voedsel en in experimenten. We geven voorlichting aan het publiek en zijn continu in gesprek met politiek en bedrijfsleven om zo de doelstellingen onder de aandacht van politici en beleidsmakers te brengen. We zetelen om doeltreffend te werken in diverse nationale en internationale coalities en samenwerkingsverbanden.
Viva, Poland
Viva! - International Voice for Animals - is a foundation based in Warsaw, Poland - founded in 2000 and leader of the national discourse on animal welfare.
Our main aim is to take every kind of action against animal cruelty across a wide range and diversity of topics with one and most important common ground: animal rights.
Every year, we help thousands of animals - by our intervention group and in the Foundation’s animal shelter, including animals saved from fur farms (foxes and raccoon dogs) and farmed animals - cows, pigs, goats, horses, geese and hens.
Through the years, Viva has created and still runs campaigns focused on protecting animals in Poland, taking care of stray and wild animals and popularising a vegan lifestyle.
Międzynarodowy Ruch na rzecz Zwierząt Viva! to fundacja - założona w 2000 roku w Warszawie, będąca liderem ogólnopolskiego dyskursu o dobrostanie zwierząt.
Naszym głównym celem jest podejmowanie wszelkich działań przeciwko okrucieństwu wobec zwierząt. Szeroki zakres i różnorodność prowadzonych przez nas kampanii łączy najważniejszy, wspólny punkt: prawa zwierząt.
Każdego roku pomagamy tysiącom zwierząt - poprzez naszą grupę interwencyjną oraz w schronisku Fundacji - w tym zwierzętom uratowanym z ferm futerkowych (lisy i jenoty) oraz zwierzętom hodowlanym: krowom, świniom, kozom, koniom, gęsiom i kurom.
Viva przez lata tworzyła i nadal prowadzi akcje związane z ochroną zwierząt w Polsce, opieką nad zwierzętami bezpańskimi i dzikimi oraz popularyzacją wegańskiego stylu życia.
Animal, Portugal
ANIMAL is an NGO for the defense of animal rights, founded in 1994. ANIMAL is a vegan NGO. We develop public education, awareness, alert and protest campaigns, as well as special investigations, public relations work and legal actions. ANIMAL has a strong political lobbying component, being an important force in contact with the authorities and legislators, in order to work on measures that will promote legislative progress in the area of animal protection.
A ANIMAL é uma ONG de defesa dos direitos dos animais fundada em 1994. A ANIMAL é uma ONG vegana. Desenvolvemos campanhas públicas de educação, sensibilização, alerta e protesto, bem como investigações especiais, trabalho de relações públicas e acções legais. A ANIMAL tem uma componente forte de lobbying político, sendo uma força importante no contacto com as autoridades e legisladoras/es, com o intuito de trabalhar em medidas que venham a promover o avanço legislativo na área da protecção dos animais.
Society Animalia 269, Serbia
Society Animalia 269 is new NGO in Serbia, established in November 2019. With the aim of promoting animal rights and an active commitment to animal liberation. Even though we are still a small organisation, we are forming teams to deal with animal testing issues, animal abuse in fashion and the entertainment industry, preservation of biodiversity and the environment and also promotion of veganism as a sustainable way of living.
We consider education as a starting point for suspending cruel practices towards animals, and accordingly we focus on being in close contact with citizens, cooperating with the media, educational institutions and experts. By helping and encouraging people and companies to replace the exploitation of animals with alternative practices, together we are moving towards a better world for all.
Društvo Animalia 269 je nova nevladina organizacija u Srbiji, osnovana u novembru 2019. godine sa ciljem promocije prava životinja i aktivnog zalaganja za njihovo oslobođenje. Iako smo i dalje mala organizacija, upravo formiramo timove koji se bave problemima testiranja na životinjama, iskorišćavanja životinja u modnoj industriji i industriji zabave i takođe promocijom veganstva kao održivog načina življenja.
Smatramo da se edukacija početna tačka u ukidanju surovih praksi prema životinjama i u skladu sa tim fokusiramo se na to da budemo u neposrednom kontaktu sa građanima, sarađujući sa medijima, obrazovnim institucijama i stručnjacima. Pomažući i ohrabrujući ljude i kompanije da eksploataciju životinja zamene alternativnim praksama, zajedno koračamo ka boljem svetu za sve.
For the Animals, Slovakia
ADDA, Spain
ADDA is a non-governmental, apolitical and independent organisation based in the city of Barcelona. Founded in 1976, it is the first entity in Spain dedicated to the defence and welfare of animals. Its work focuses on reporting abuse and ill-treatment and also on defending and protecting nature and conserving its biodiversity. It works in all fields that involve discriminatory treatment of animals: the fight against intensive farms, against cruelty in slaughterhouses, against experimentation that causes suffering and death, or against hunting as a form of fun are some of the main axes of activity, as well as pet protection. The association, which does not receive government subsidies, has been a forerunner for the start of the ban on bullfighting shows and for the establishment of the first Animal Welfare Act approved by the Parliament of Catalonia in 1988.
Links of interest:
ADDA es una organización No Gubernamental, apolítica e independiente, con sede en Barcelona. Fundada en 1976, es la primera entidad de España dedicada a la defensa y al bienestar de los animales. Su tarea se centra en denunciar el abuso y el maltrato y también en la defensa y la protección de la naturaleza y su biodiversidad. Trabaja en todos los campos que implican un trato discriminatorio hacia los animales. La lucha contra las granjas intensivas, contra la crueldad en los mataderos, contra la experimentación o contra la caza como forma de diversión son algunos de los principales ejes de actividad, así como la protección de los animales de compañía. La asociación, desligada de subvenciones gubernamentales, ha sido precursora para el inicio de la prohibición de los espectáculos taurinos y para el establecimiento de la primera ley de Bienestar Animal aprobada por el Parlamento de Catalunya en 1988.
ADDA és una organització No Governamental, apolítica i independent, amb seu a la ciutat de Barcelona. Fundada l’any 1976, és la primera entitat de l’estat espanyol dedicada a la defensa i al benestar dels animals. La seva tasca se centra en denunciar l’abús i el maltractament i també en la defensa i la protecció de la natura i la seva biodiversitat. Treballa en tots els camps que impliquen un tracte discriminatori envers els animals. La lluita contra les granges intensives, contra la crueltat als escorxadors, contra l’experimentació o contra la caça com a forma de diversió són alguns dels principals eixos d’activitat, com també la protecció dels animals de companyia. L’associació, deslligada de subvencions gubernamentals, ha estat precursora per a l’inici de la prohibició dels espectacles taurins i per a l’establiment de la primera llei de Benestar Animal aprobada pel Parlament de Catalunya l’any 1988.
Cruelty Free International, UK
Formed in 1898 in the UK and previously known as the ‘British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection’ or ‘BUAV’, Cruelty Free International is the leading organisation working to create a world where nobody wants or believes we need to experiment on animals. Our dedicated team are experts in their fields, combining award-winning campaigning, political lobbying, pioneering undercover investigations, scientific and legal expertise, and corporate responsibility. Educating, challenging and inspiring others across the globe to respect and protect animals, we investigate and expose the reality of life for animals in laboratories, challenge decision-makers to make a positive difference for animals, and champion better science and cruelty free living. We receive no government or lottery funding and rely entirely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our work for animals.