We celebrate first ever European Day for Humane Science
Animal advocates across Europe agree it’s time for a comprehensive plan to end animal experiments for good

A huge thank you from everyone at Cruelty Free Europe to all the animal groups, campaigners, MEPs and influencers – and most of all to all the committed individuals – who took part in today’s twitterstorm to celebrate the first European Day for Humane Science calling on Europe’s decision-makers to plot a clear roadmap to end animal tests in Europe.
Ten years since the EU adopted new laws on animals used in science and research, we are backing a concrete plan for Europe to move to non-animal human-relevant science.
Despite three quarters of EU adults agreeing we need a plan to get animals out of laboratories in Europe, the number of animals used in experiments has only fallen by an annual average of 1% over the past 20 years. We want change for animals in laboratories, science that works for human health and more investment in the development, validation and uptake of non-animal research methods that are often cheaper, faster and more reliable.
Our new Replace Animal Tests (RAT) List published this week highlights ten current animal tests still being used in Europe despite the availability of valid alternatives. These tests could end right now, saving the lives of three quarters of a million animals every year in Europe alone.
Kerry Postlewhite, Director of Public Affairs at Cruelty Free Europe, says: “Thank you! It’s amazing to see how many people are committed to ending animal testing in Europe. I truly hope that our leaders will listen, put an ambitious pro-active replacement plan in place and that in the near future, on European Day For Humane Science, we will be able to celebrate empty cages and science that really works for the challenges we face today.”
You can help us urge EU leaders to take action towards ending cruel and unreliable animal testing in Europe by continuing to tweet your support.