We look forward to plans to reduce animal experiments from new German coalition government
Programme includes reduction commitment and plans to increase research in animal-free methods

The Greens, Social Democrats (SPD) and Free Democrats (FDP), who are expected to form Germany’s new coalition government to succeed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government in December, have included commitments to a plan to reduce animal testing and support for innovation through animal-free research in their recently agreed joint programme.
The programme, Mehr Fortschritt Wagen, must now be agreed by conferences of the SDP and FDP as well as by members of the Greens.
Kerry Postlewhite, our Director of Public Affairs, said: “Whilst we’d love to see a commitment to ending all animal experiments, we do very much look forward to seeing Germany’s new coalition government implement its plans to reduce animal testing and hope that this will have a positive impact not just in Germany but across the EU. The number of animal experiments taking place in Germany is one of the highest in the EU so we hope these plans will be agreed and will be ambitious.”
If you’re an EU national, you can help us end animal testing across Europe by signing and sharing our European Citizens’ Initiative to End Animal Testing.