Home > News and Updates News and Updates The latest news and updates information from Cruelty Free Europe 125 Results Pages« first ‹ previous … 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 next › last » Monkey brain tests at Italian University set to continue 04/02/2021 Italian animal protection organisation had stopped controversial tests taking place Cruel botox tests finally on the decrease in Ireland but progress remains too slow 26/01/2021 Decrease in ‘severe’ experiments in Ireland is attributed to the replacement of mice with a cell-based test for botox batch testing We win landmark case against use of animals in EU chemical tests 22/01/2021 European Court confirms animal tests must only be used as a last resort First Geoffrey Deckers Award goes to EcoVegAnimals, EVA 12/01/2021 Award honouring Cruelty Free Europe champion given to animal protection group from Bosnia and Herzegovina EU chemical plans update could mean big increase in animal tests with no environmental or health benefit 17/12/2020 Over one million animals could suffer in unreliable tests for endocrine disruptors as a result of proposed changes to EU chemicals legislation EU Pharma Strategy fails to prioritise non-animal research 08/12/2020 Refusal to acknowledge shortcomings of animal tests will continue to hinder progress The Geoffrey Deckers Award is launched 07/12/2020 Award honouring founder of Diervriendelijk Nederland will fund projects to end European animal research Animal groups and cruelty-free brands working towards regulatory change defend EU animal testing ban 01/12/2020 Cruelty Free Europe, PETA, The Body Shop, Dove and many more sign open letter calling on EU to uphold cosmetics testing bans Europe's leading animal protection groups unite to call on MEPs to defend EU cosmetics testing bans 23/11/2020 EU bans on animal testing for cosmetics seriously at risk as European chemicals legislation undermines intention of EU legislators and wishes of public EU budget compromise agreement to boost research & health funding 12/11/2020 We call for significant investment in human-relevant science Pages« first ‹ previous … 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 next › last »