Home > News and Updates News and Updates The latest news and updates information from Cruelty Free Europe 125 Results Pages« first ‹ previous … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 next › last » More needs to be done to bring animal tests to an end across Europe, say MEPs 08/07/2021 Parliamentarians tell Commission we need increased collaboration and an action plan with milestones to end animal experiments Landmark international guideline for non-animal skin testing 24/06/2021 Approaches now approved offer prospect of fully replacing skin sensitisation tests on animals for many chemicals University of Verona ends monkey tests for good 08/06/2021 Our Italian members help rehome three macaques released from university’s laboratory Report highlights shortcomings in preventing chemical animal tests 04/06/2021 More must be done to ensure non-animal methods are used No response from Madrid authorities on status of animals at Vivotecnia 05/05/2021 We call for closure of laboratory responsible for shocking and unlawful animal abuse EU must put human-relevant science at heart of pharmaceutical strategy 28/04/2021 Our recommendation to Commission consultation assessing impact of Europe’s pharmaceutical legislation Unlawful animal abuse at Spanish laboratory shows EU law fails to protect animals in research 08/04/2021 We call on Commission to put animal toxicity tests on hold and develop action plan to end animal tests in Europe On 8th anniversary of EU bans, we join call for EU to immediately suspend animal tests on cosmetics ingredients 10/03/2021 Bans must be upheld as they were intended and as citizens expect EU science report highlights recent progress in use of non-animal methods 05/03/2021 Europe makes progress, but a plan for humane and human-relevant science is still needed to drive real change Board of Appeal rules against EU Chemicals Agency in case involving thousands of animals 24/02/2021 We intervene to help prevent thousands of unnecessary chemical tests on animals Pages« first ‹ previous … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 next › last »