Home > News and Updates News and Updates The latest news and updates information from Cruelty Free Europe 125 Results Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next › last » European Chemicals Agency describes measures to reduce and replace animal tests 05/05/2022 We applaud the Agency’s efforts but urge it to do more for animal-free science Brussels vigil to save Europe’s ban on cosmetics animal testing 11/03/2022 Sign now to save animals from suffering and dying for the sake of beauty Marseille Declaration recognises ethical relevance of animal testing 10/03/2022 But we would have liked a more specific commitment to moving away from tests on animals Our win last year is the gift that keeps on giving 03/03/2022 European Chemicals Agency has since withdrawn two decisions demanding animal tests, saving the lives of almost 2,000 animals European Commission disregards wishes of the European Parliament by failing to take concrete steps to phase out animal experiments 03/03/2022 Joint statement by animal protection groups German region moves forward on coordinated action to accelerate and end to animal experiments 23/02/2022 We want to see this replicated right across Europe Over half a million animal experiments in Italy in 2018 11/02/2022 Figures show that plans to end animal testing are desperately needed Ten things EU decision-makers could do right now to reduce animal testing 10/02/2022 Show your support by signing to urge them to act now! Slovaks support a ban on animal testing 09/02/2022 You can show your support by signing to end animal testing New EU Veterinary Medicines Regulation brings positive changes for animals 28/01/2022 Sign the ECI to help us make even more progress for animals in Europe Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next › last »