Home > News and Updates News and Updates The latest news and updates information from Cruelty Free Europe 125 Results Pages« first ‹ previous … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … next › last » Second Geoffrey Deckers Award goes to Ébredő Bolygó Alapítvány 13/01/2022 Award honouring Cruelty Free Europe champion given to animal protection group from Hungary Almost two million animals used in experiments in Germany in 2020 11/01/2022 We welcome fall in numbers, but much more needs to done European Medicines Agency expresses need to move away from animal testing 17/12/2021 New Agency initiative aims to identify obstacles to using non-animal methods German animal testing facility exposed in CFI investigation will close in 2022 15/12/2021 Help us ensure that scandals like LPT and Vivotecnia cannot happen again by signing to end animal testing in Europe News from our Cruelty Free members: week of action against Mauritius monkey trade 10/12/2021 One Voice organises 14 events across France including rally at Mauritius Embassy in Paris We applaud plans for a new European database of non-animal testing methods 07/12/2021 But more must be done to ensure enforcement of their use We look forward to plans to reduce animal experiments from new German coalition government 29/11/2021 Programme includes reduction commitment and plans to increase research in animal-free methods We join MEPs and industry body in calling on the European Commission to transform chemical safety management 22/11/2021 Letter sent today raises concerns that EU Chemicals Strategy will lead to millions more animal tests First recipients of Geoffrey Deckers Award end year with successful Conference 19/11/2021 Nominations for 2022 Award open until 30 November We successfully intervene to help stop unnecessary tests on fish 11/11/2021 European Chemicals Agency had ordered animal tests above those required by EU chemicals rules Pages« first ‹ previous … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … next › last »